Community groups are planting seedlings and revegetating our lost native bushes and grasslands. Why not join a group and do your bit for the environment?
The Australian landscape has dramatically suffered from the arrival of European farming and our clear-fell domination of the native environment. This decline continues, even though we know it leads to salinity, soil acidification and erosion. It’s time to heal what previous generations have harmed. Now it is our responsibility to start fixing the environment. Membership and involvement in a not-for-profit community revegetation group will fund and support the planting of hundreds of native seedlings each year.
How to do it now!
Find a revegetation group in your community. Here’s a start to get you going:
- Greening Australia (National)
- Landcare (National)
- Bush Heritage Australia (National)
- Tree Project (VIC)
- Trees for Life (SA)
- The Understorey Network (TAS)
Many local councils run community based Bushcare programs, so check your local council website for more information.
To access amazing information and data on flora and vegetation for land management, visit the Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research, or try the Australian Association of Bush Regenerators, which promotes the study and practice of ecological restoration, and fosters and encourages effective management of natural areas by qualified people, based on sound ecological principles.